Rona McLean-Carmody

Chief Executive Officer

Rona is our CEO and Chief Growth Officer and is known for her creativity, energy, compassion, and professionalism.

Rona’s key strength is her ability to connect with, relate to, and influence people with empathy, candor, and responsiveness. Rona brings a wealth of experience in leadership, change, and human services development, and excels as a coach and mentor to employees and participants alike.

She works tirelessly to ensure Alya’s workplace is one that is inclusive, collaborative and psychologically safe, where people are treated like adults, empowered to make decisions and supported to thrive.

Rona manages her many responsibilities simultaneously in her day-to-day at Alya, from collaborating with our varied stakeholders to optimise customer experience and leading digital innovation and change, through to coaching and developing our team, and boldly advocating for people who may be struggling or at risk of harm or neglect. 

Rona has lived experience with mental health and is uncompromising in her goal to provide exceptional service delivery to people living with disability. She’s passionate about helping others to achieve their full potential by tapping into people’s unique skills, capabilities, and intrinsic motivators and has a passion for developing and mentoring leaders and emerging leaders. 

Rona is directly responsible for strategy, sustainability, and growth, whilst managing Alya’s external partnerships and key relationships with NDIA, Allied Health Service Providers, Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services and Office of the Public Guardian.

With over 20-years’ experience in executive leadership, human resources and consulting, Rona has led complex multi-disciplinary businesses in a range of contexts and, prior to joining Alya, was an executive leader at Brisbane City Council.

In addition to her role as CEO of Alya, Rona is a Board Director of a not-for-profit organisation that supports women and children impacted by domestic and family violence.

Rona McLean-Carmody>