Anita Gregory

Service Delivery Leader

Anita is our Delivery Leader and leads a team of Participant Support Officers (Case Managers) delivering customised service delivery plans to clients.  Anita's role includes coordinating case manager portfolio allocations, service delivery and overall operation effectiveness.

Born in Northern NSW and raised in Brisbane, Anita has always had a passion for leadership, helping people and the outdoors. Passions that were fostered through her involvement with Scouting from a young age.

Anita has always been ambitious, having worked tirelessly towards and achieving school captain in high school, achieving several Peak Awards in Scouting and pursuing university studies to support her love of leadership and working with people, Anita loves the opportunity to learn something new and challenge herself. Anita has a Bachelor of Business (Management) and a Bachelor of Creative Industries (Media Communications) from QUT. Anita has 8 years of customer service experience in diverse roles, two years experience in corporate communication and extensive Leadership experience through volunteer roles in Scouting.

Anita is particularly passionate about the disability sector, having worked annually on a volunteer camp for children with disabilities and especially after the lived experience her and her family have as a result of her sister’s disability.

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